Walks Into a Bar… South American Toad – A young guy walks into a bar. An old drunk sits with a shoe box on the stool next to him.The guy asks, "What’s in the box?"The older guy says matter-of-factly, "A South American Blow Job Toad."The young guy looks around. "Can I try it?"The older guy nods. The young guy goes to the men’s room and returns 20 minutes later."That was amazing," he says, "You’ve got to sell it to me."The old drunk concedes to sell the toad for a hefty sum. The happy young man struts home and meets his wife at the door."Where the hell have you been? What’s in the box?" she demands."South American Blow Job Toad.""So?" asks the wife."So, teach it to cook and get the f**k out."
Monday, December 30
Walks Into a Bar… South American Toad
Animal Jokes
1 Min Read
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