The Salesman’s Scoreboard – A travelling salesman is out in the country selling his wares. He is in the middle of nowhere when his car breaks down, he leaves the car and starts walking and reaches a small farm house. He knocks and a middle aged man opens the door. The salesman asks him for a place to sleep in the night. The farmer tells that he has only one room with a bed and on that he and his wife (who turns out be gorgeous) sleep. So the salesman sleeps on the bed with the farmer and his lovely wife. In the middle of the night the farmer’s wife gets horny and asks the salesman to come over to her side and fuck her! The salesman points towards the snoring farmer and whispers, ”He’ll wake up!” The farmer’s wife replies, ”He’s a sound sleeper. If you don’t trust me pull a hair out of his ass and you will see that he won’t wake up!” The salesman tries and the farmer does not wake up. The salesman and the farmer’s wife get into a fucking session. They repeat the act several more times that night and the salesman plucks a hair out of the farmer’s ass everytime he goes to fuck the wife. Finally the farmer wakes up and says, ”Hey, I don’t mind you fucking my wife, but can you stop using my ass a scoreboard!?!”
Sunday, December 22
The Salesman’s Scoreboard
Country Jokes
2 Mins Read
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