The New Motorcycle – This guy buys a new motorcycle. The salesperson tells him that when it rains to go outside and rub Vaseline on it because it makes it look nice and shiny. Later that night, he goes to eat at his girlfriend’s house, and the rule at thier house is if you talk during supper you have to do the dishes. So they are eating and he looks at his girlfriend and kisses her. Nobody says anything. So he fucks her right at the table and nobody says anything. So he looks over at her mom and kisses her too. Nobody says anything. So he does her too. Next thing he knows he looks outside and it is starts to rain outside, so he grabs the Vaseline out of his pocket. At that his girlfriend’s dad stands up and says, ”Okay. I will do the damn dishes.”
Monday, March 3
The New Motorcycle
Dirty Jokes
1 Min Read
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