The Lady, the Pickle and the Mailman – There was this one lady that bought a jar of pickles every week .So she puts the pickle in the hole on her floor and starts humping it then the mailman rings the doorbell and she gets up, kicks the pickle and gets the mail. The next day she does the same thing and screws the pickle. The mailman waits everyday, so he looks in the window and sees her screwing the pickle then he rings the doorbell. The next day he gets a substitute to do his routes. So he goes in the lady’s basement and paints his dick green. When she put the pickle in he takes it out and sticks his dick in and the lady doesn`t know it`s not the pickle so she just screws it. Later on the substitute mailman rings the doorbell and then the lady kicks the pickle and gets the mail.
Saturday, December 21
The Lady, the Pickle and the Mailman
Dirty Jokes
1 Min Read
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