The Farmer’s Daughters – There once was a farmer who was raising 3 daughters on his own. He was very concerned about their well being and always did his best to watch out for them. As they entered their late teens the girls dated, and on this particular evening all three of his girls were going out on a date. This was the first time this had occurred. As was his custom, he would greet the young suitor at the door holding his shotgun, not to menace or threaten but merely to ensure that the young man knew who was boss. The doorbell rang and the first of the boys arrived. Father answered the door and the lad said, "Hi, my name’s Joe, I’m here for Flo. We’re going to the show, is she ready to go?" The father looked him over and sent the kids on their way. The next lad arrived and said, "My name’s Eddie, I’m here for Betty, we’re gonna get some spaghetti, is she ready?" Father felt this one was okay too, so off the two kids went. The final young man arrived and the farmer opened the door. The boy started off, "Hi, my name’s Chuck… –" and the farmer shot him.
Monday, March 3
The Farmer’s Daughters
Country Jokes
2 Mins Read
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