Tea Time – An American cowboy was traveling in England and decided to stop at a tea shop for a drink. On the menu there were several different teas to choose from. When the waitress came to take his order, the cowboy asked, “Ma’am, what the hell do all these names mean?” The waitress calmly replied, “We have basically three types of tea, sir. The peacove tea is 90% substance and 10% aroma, the orange tea is 10% substance and 90% aroma, and the Blackberry tea is an acquired taste.” The cowboy responded, “Where I come from, we have three types of tea too, Ma’am. There’s s-h-i-T which is 90% substance and 10% aroma, there is f-a-r-T which is 10% substance and 90% aroma, and then there is c-u-n-T which is an acquired taste.”
Tuesday, December 17
Tea Time
Dirty Jokes
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