Talking animals? – While riding one day, a cowboy met an Indian riding along with a dog and a sheep and he began a conversation. Cowboy: "Hey, nice dog you got there. Mind if I speak to him?" Indian: "Dog no talk." Cowboy: "Hey dog, how’s it going?" Dog: "Doin’ alright." Indian:( Look of shock ) Cowboy:"Is this Indian your owner?" ( Pointing at the Indian ) Dog: "Yep." Cowboy: "How does he treat you?" Dog: "Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food, and takes me to the lake once a week to play." Indian:( Look of disbelief ) Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your horse?" Indian: "Horse no talk." Cowboy: "Hey horse, how’s it going?" Horse: "Good." Indian:( Extreme look of shock ) Cowboy: "Is this your owner?" ( Pointing at the Indian ) Horse: "Yep." Cowboy: "How does he treat you?" Horse: "Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me regularly, brushes me down often, and keeps me in a shed to protect me." Indian:( Complete look of utter amazement ) Cowboy: "Mind if I talk to your sheep?" Indian: "Sheep liar."
Saturday, December 21
Talking animals?
Animal Jokes
1 Min Read
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