Browsing: Lawyer Jokes

Happy Couple Sitting by the Table with Cups of Coffee

Lawyers Love Sushi – Q: Hear about the new sushi bar that caters exclusively to lawyers?A: It’s called Sosumi.

Man and Woman Laughing

A Few Good Lawyers – A lawyer is standing in a long line at the box office. Suddenly, he feels…

Couple Playing Video Game Together at Home

Burried 10 Feet Under – Why are lawyers buried 10 feet underground? Because deep down, they’re really not that bad!

woman wearing teal tube dress while smiling

F. Lee Bailey Love – What’s the difference between F.Lee Bailey and a generalized joke about Lawyers? One is boorish…

Lawyer on His Deathbed – Steve lies dying, as Jack, his law partner of 40 years, sits at his bedside."Jack,…

Smiling Couple on Beach

Heavenly Marital Help – Betty and Tim die in a car accident on the eve of their wedding. In Heaven,…