Browsing: Cross the Road
The Train, the Soldier and the Poodle – After World War II, an American soldier was going back to London…
Cross the Road… Radical Woman – Q: Why did the woman cross the road?A: I don’t know, but where’d she…
I feel like chicken tonight – Why did George Bush cross the road? Beause his penis was stuck in the…
Running Blind – A policeman was directing traffic at a busy intersection when he observed a blind man and his…
Cross the Road… Fat Turkey – Q: Why did the fat turkey cross the road?A: To get hit by my…
A Gummy Problem – Why did the chewing gum cross the road? Because he was stuck to the chicken’s foot
Tennis Balls – One day while jogging, a man noticed two tennis balls lying by the side of the road.…
Why did the zombie baby cross the road? – Why did the zombie baby cross the road? To wreak an…
Dinosaur St. – Why did the dinosaur cross the road? It was the chicken’s day off.
Top 10 Reasons To Live On Prince Edward – 1. Even though more people live on Vancouver Island, you still…
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Blonde Smoker – Q: How did the blonde put out her cigarette?A: She threw it…
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