Browsing: blonde jokes
Blondes and Candles – Q: What does a blonde do when it gets cold? A: Sits around a candle Q:…
Blonde Weighs a Baby – A blonde calls a pharmacy and asks if she needs an infant scale to weigh…
Hungry Blonde – Q: What do you call a blonde who eats too much? A: Fat.
Blonde…Bucket – What is the worst thing about sex with a blonde ? Bucket seats.
The Wet and the Blonde – Why did the Blonde pee in the Grocery Store? The sign said ”Wet Floor.”
Blonde on the Computer – Q: How can you tell a blonde’s been using the computer?A: There’s white-out all over…
Blonde’s Favorite Nursery Rhyme – Q: What’s a blonde’s favorite nursery rhyme?A: Humpme Dumpme.
Mute Button On A Blonde – How do you press the mute button on a blonde? Put your dick in…
Blonde Radio – A blonde bought an a.m. radio and it took her a month to find out she could…
Knock-Knock Blonde – Q: Why can’t you tell blondes knock-knock jokes?A: Because they leave to go answer the door.
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The Bottom Line – A cowboy rides his horse up to a saloon. All the…
Curious Pickup Line – Love’s a sensation caused by temptation, a guy sticks his location…
Arkansas Fertility – Q: Why are there no fertility clinics in Arkansas?A: Sooner or later,…
Geek Booty Call… Charisma – Looks like somebody rolled a 20 on their Charisma check!
Yo’ Mama Is So Short… Trophies – Yo’ Mama is so short, she models for…
The Ultimate Guy Quiz – 1. In the company of females, intercourse should be referred to…
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