Browsing: blonde jokes

Young African American men with deadlocks in casual clothes in street style standing near green wall

Grand Theft Auto – A blonde get’s in her car and notices her steering wheel, dashboard, and windshield is missing.…

Woman in White Bikini Sitting on Beach

Blonde and Tracks – Q: What do blondes and railroad tracks have in common?A: They’ve both been laid all over…

a man and woman smiling

Blonde and Pizza – A blonde orders a pizza and the clerk asks if he should cut it in six…

Man Showing His Mobile Phone to His Friends

Blonde Brains – Q: What’s the difference between a blonde’s brain and a box of rocks? A: Nothing.

Woman in White Spaghetti Strap Tank Top Laughing Next to Man

Blonde Horses – Why did God give blondes 2% more brains than horses? So they don’t crap on the street…