Browsing: blonde jokes
Air Mattress – Q: What do you call a hundred blondes stacked up on each other? A: An air mattress.
Don’t Step Out of the Car – A blonde has just gotten a new sports car. She cuts out in…
Say What Again? – Did you hear about the blonde who didn’t catch the joke? It went over her head!
Coincidentally – Q: What did the bartender say when a priest, a boyscout, and a blonde walked in? A: Is…
Headphone Haircut – A blonde gets her haircut while wearing a pair of headphones. The hairdresser asks her to take…
Blondes and Caves – Q: What’s the difference between a blonde’s vagina and a cave?A: A couple of inches.
The Blonde Takes on Grasshopper Biology – A blonde biology student conducts an experiment on grasshoppers.She pulls off one of…
Blonde in Freezer – Q: What do you call a blonde in the freezer? A: A Frosted Flake.
Taxed Blonde – A blonde walks into a drugstore and purchases a pack of condoms. "That will be $1.08, please,"…
Blonde vs. Ratings System – Q: What happened when the blonde saw the "NC-17: Under 17 Not Admitted" sign at…
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Californiacation – A Texan, a Californian and a Seattlite were all drinking in a bar.…
SuperBowl! – What do you call a bunch of millionaires sitting around watching the Super…
Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Voting – Yo’ Mama is so fat, she votes in…
Bad Day Blondie – How do you know a blonde’s having a bad day? Her…
Jeffrey Ross: From the Roast – From the Roast of Larry the Cable Guy: I…
The Perils of Flatulence – Why should you only put 239 beans in bean soup?…
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