Browsing: blonde jokes
Blonde – Two Coats – A blonde decides to show her husband that despite what everyone says, blondes really are…
Blonde in a Round Room – How do you keep a blonde busy? Put her in a round room and…
Blonde Loses Sweet Job – Why did the blonde get fired from her job at the M&M factory? She threw…
Number of Blonde Jokes – Q: How many blonde jokes are there?A: One. The rest are all true stories.
Blonde Bicycle – Q: Why did the blonde run with the bike? A: It was going too fast for her…
Blonde and Picture – Q: Why did the blonde keep a picture of herself in her room? A: So she…
Heh. Stupid Blondes. – How do you make a blonde laugh on Sunday? Tell her a joke on Thursday!
Nerds vs. Blonde Co-Eds – Q: What’s the difference between nerdy co-eds and blonde co-eds?A: Nerdy co-eds blow the curve.…
Blondes and Colds – Q: Why is it OK for blondes to catch cold?A: They don’t have to worry about…
Blonde Drives a Stick – How can you tell if a blonde was trying to drive stick? There’s a condom…
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Toby Keith: From the Roast – From the Roast of Larry the Cable Guy: Larry’s…
Heavenly HMO – St. Peter was standing outside the gates of heaven when three men…
No Cavities – One fine afternoon, a smiling boy arrived home from a dental visit.…
You’ll Be So Fat…Ironing – You’ll be so fat after Thanksgiving you’ll have to iron…
Blonde Lightbulb – Q: How many blondes does it take to change a lightbulb? A:…
The roof is on fire – Q: What’s dumber than a brunette trying to build…
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