Browsing: blonde jokes
Blonde & Turtle – Q: What do a blonde and a turtle have in common? A: They’re both screwed on…
Blonde With License – Q: Why does a blonde always fail her road test? A: Because every time the car…
Brunette, Blonde, Brunette – What do you call a blonde between two brunettes? A mental block.
St. Peter Asks the Blondes About Easter – Three blondes die and go to St. Peter. He says, "I have…
Of Hoses and Blondes – What do you call a blonde that can suck a golf ball through a garden…
Blonde and Waitress – Q: What did the blonde customer say after reading the buxom waitress’ name tag?A: "What did…
Blondes and Light Bulbs – Q: How many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb?A: None. They…
Vending Machine and Blonde – Q: What is the difference between a blonde and a vending machine? A: Nothing… get…
Blonde’s Twinkle – How do you get a twinkle in a Blonde’s eye? Shine a flashlight in her ear.
Beware the Blonde Terrorist – Did you hear about the blonde that tried to blow up her husband’s car? She…
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Foot-Long Carrot – Two women are digging in the garden. One pulls out a foot-…
Happy Baby – Two gay men decide to have a baby. They mix their sperm…
Medieval Booty Call… Play – Want to see a passion play? There’s one being performed…
The Train, the Soldier and the Poodle – After World War II, an American soldier…
The Blonde’s Roadside Emergency – A blonde’s car breaks down. A cop pulls up and…
Premium Health Care – Two guys have 9 a.m. appointments at a vasectomy clinic. A…
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