Browsing: animal jokes
Turkey Crosses the Road – Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove that he wasn’t chicken.
Penguin and The Mechanic – Once there was a penguin whose car broke down. He took it in to get…
The Greatest Cow – Harry and his wife are driving in the country when he sees a sign that reads:…
I’m Very Bullish On Milk – A farmer and a son live on a farm. The farmer is sitting in…
Pig in Summer – Q: What did the pig say at the beach on a hot summer’s day?A: I’m bakin’.
Give the Dog a Bone – Q: How do you give a dog a bone?A: Tickle its balls.
Elephant and the Naked Man – Q: What did the elephant say to the naked man?A: "It’s nice, but can…
Little Johnny’s Stork – Little Johnny asks, "Mommy, where do babies come from?" His mother replies, "The stork brings them."…
Amishamed Of Myself – What do you call an Amish man on the side of the road, with his hand…
Turn On Your Energizer Bunny – What happens when you put the batteries in BACKWARDS in the Energizer Bunny? He…
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What’s the Difference? – A very old, but respected man walked into a local tavern.…
How do you drown a blonde? – How do you drown a blonde? Put a…
Rocker and NY – John Rocker was on a NY subway and many people stopped…
Prom Booty Call… Booty – I want your booty near my boutonniere.
Men and Lava Lamps – Q: How are men like lava lamps?A: They’re fun to…
Blonde’s License – A cop pulls over a blonde for speeding. The cop gets out…
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