Browsing: animal jokes
Birdie Poem – Birdie, birdie in the sky Dropped some white stuff in my eye, I’m a big girl I…
Monkey Relates the Terrible Accident – A cop comes around a curve in the road and sees a bad accident.…
Fly Away – What do you call a fly in a blonde’s brain? A space invader!
Chicken Crossfire – Why did the chicken cross the road? Pat Buchanan answers this question: "To steal a job from…
Kansas Wizard – A toad with a yellow penis wants to fit in with the other toads in the neighborhood,…
Egg-Laying – Egg-Laying Why does a chicken lay eggs? Because if she dropped them, they’d break
You Did What With A What? – A woman went to the doctor’s and complained of being really sore. "Do…
Blonde and a Pig – A blonde walks down the street with a pig under her arm. A passerby asks,…
Carrots – How do you know that carrots are good for your eyesight? Have YOU ever seen a rabbit with…
Yo’ Mama Is So Poor… Park – Yo’ Mama is so poor, when she goes to the park, ducks throw…
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Doggy Style – Q: Why does a dog lick himself? A: Because he can’t make…
Set Me On Fire – What do you call a doll on fire? A Barbie-Q!
Inventor’s Delight – A man had an idea that could make him rich. After it…
Little Nancy’s Pet – Little Nancy was in the garden filling in a hole when…
Monkey Booty Call… Fur – I love a female who’s not afraid to pick the…
Definition of a Chauvinist Pig – Chauvinist pig: a guy who hates every bone in…
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