Browsing: animal jokes
George of the Jungle – George of the Jungle lived all alone in the jungle with no other people. Since…
Animal Lives – Q: What has more lives than a cat?A: A frog — it croaks every night.
The Squirrels – One day little Bill was playing in the sand out of the sun underneath his front steps.…
Isn’t She Lucky? – Q: How did Britney Spears die while drinking milk? A: The cow fell on her.
Walks Into a Bar… Three Tests – A new guy in town walks into a bar and notices a large…
Turtle Sexuality – What do you call a turtle with an erection? A slow poke!
New Family for the Parrot – A housewife buys a parrot to keep her company during the day.The clerk warns…
Giovanni the… – It is Rennaissance Italy and Lothario and his friend Giovanni sit at a table outside a cafe…
Turtle Crossing – Why did the turtle Cross the road? To get to the ”Shell” station!
Circus Elephant – A couple took their young son for his first visit to the circus. When his father left…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Bungee – Yo’ Mama is so fat, when she went…
Jock Booty Call… Holding – Hey babe, are you interested in a little offensive holding?…
Time on Your Hands? – Call a bowling alley, and ask, “Do you have 10…
The BDC – A man wants to join the Big Dick Club, and heads down…
Professor of Dirty Jokes – There was an old professor who started every class with…
Yo’ Mama vs. NY Jets – Q: How is Yo’ Mama like the New York…
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