Psalm of Bush – Bush is my shepherd I shall not lie He leadeth me beside the still farms and small towns. He restoreth my doubt in the Repulican party He guideth me down the path of untold debt for the party’s sake. My wages he will freeze but my expenses runneth over my income. He cuteth taxes for the wealthiest surely. Poverty and hard living shall follow the Republican party and I shall live in a rented house forever. 5,000 years ago, Moses said: "Park your camel, pick up your shovel, mount your ass, and I will lead you to the promised land." 5,000 years later, Franklin D. Roosevelt said: "Lay down your shovel, sit on your ass, light up a camel this is the promised land." Today, Bush will steal your shovel, sell your camel, kick your ass, and tell you know there is no promised land. I am glad I am an American and I am glad that I am free but I wish I were a little dog and bush were a tree.
Saturday, December 21
Psalm of Bush
God Jokes
1 Min Read
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