Prison vs. Work – — In prison, you spend the majority of your time in an 8′ X 10′ cell. At work, you spend most of your time in a 6′ X 8′ cubicle.– In prison, you get three meals a day. At work, you get 30 minutes for a meal you buy or bring yourself.–In prison, you get time off for good behavior. At work, good behavior is rewarded with more work.– In prison, they allow your family and friends to visit. At work, even personal calls are disallowed.– In prison, all expenses are paid by taxpayers. At work, you are the taxpayer.– In prison, everyone knows when you drop the soap. At work, everyone knows when you drop the ball.–In prison, you spend most of your time waiting to get out from behind bars. At work, you spend most of your time waiting to go into the bars.–In prison, there are sadistic wardens. At work, there are managers.– In prison, you can get shivved. At work, you get shafted.
Saturday, December 21
Prison vs. Work
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1 Min Read
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