Megastore, Megasale – The manager of a megastore came to check on his new salesman. "How many customers did you serve today?" the manager asked. "One," replied the new guy. "Only one?" said the boss. "How much was the sale?" The salesman answered, "$58,334." Flabbergasted, the manager asked him to explain. "First I sold a man a fishhook," the salesman said. "Then I sold him a rod and a reel. Then I asked where he was planning to fish, and he said down by the coast. So I suggested he’d need a boat – he bought that 20-foot runabout. When he said his Volkswagen might not be able to pull it, I took him to the automotive department and sold him a big SUV." The amazed boss asked, "You sold all that to a guy who came in for a fishhook?" "No," the new salesman replied. "He actually came in for a bottle of aspirin for his wife’s migraine. I told him, "Your weekend’s shot. You should probably go fishing."
Monday, December 23
Megastore, Megasale
Something Funny
1 Min Read
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