Limey Penguin – A penguin walks into a bar and asks for a sandwich and a pint! The bartender is astounded by this talking flightless bird and asks about his life. The penguin goes on to explain that he is working at the building site across the road. Weeks go by and the penguin becomes a regular lunchtime fixture at the bar. One day a circus comes to town and who should walk into the pub, but the ringmaster. He starts chatting to the barman and learns of the talking penguin who frequents his establishment. Amazed at this and somewhat skeptical, the ringmaster retorts that if this is true then he would draw in the crowds with an act such as a talking Antarctic bird. The barman says that the penguin should be in soon as it was nearly lunchtime. So the King of the Ring sits in the corner and waits. Sure enough in walks the penguins and orders his pint of Guinness and his tuna sandwich. The ringmaster walks over after hearing the penguin’s food request to introduce himself to the amazing bird. "Hello there," said the Ringmaster, "I run the circus that’s in town and I am always on the lookout for new talent. Can I offer you a job?" "Is it that big tent in the park?" said the penguin. "Yes," replied the Ringmaster. "The big round tent with the pole sticking out at the top and the flaps and ropes?" "Yes, Yes my feathered friend." "Don’t be daft," said the penguin. "I’m a plasterer!" and walked back to the building site.
Monday, March 3
Limey Penguin
Partying Bad Behavior
2 Mins Read
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