I’ll Repair Your Car, Nudge, Nudge – A young woman experienced car trouble late one afternoon but luckily, an old man in a tow truck stopped and offered help. Not knowing the area, she asked if he could repair the car. He agreed to do it and after hoisting the car up on the truck, the two of them took the car back to the old man’s garage. He looked at the engine and made an estimate of about one hundred dollars, which she couldn’t quite afford. "Darn," she says. "Just one hunderd dollars? If you weren’t such an old guy, I’d fuck you for the remainder of the bill." "Hell, I’ll show you who’s old!" the old man retorted. "Take off that dress and get on the car." She giggled as she slipped off her dress and eyed the old man after he dropped his pants. He was hung like a mule! "Oh boy!" she thought. "Not only am I going to get a great discount on the repairs, I’m going to get the hell fucked out of me too." Then she noticed the old man placing washers on the base of his dick. "Hey, what are you doing?" the woman asked. "Hell," the old man replied, "you think for just a hundred dollars, you’re gonna get all of this?"
Sunday, March 9
I’ll Repair Your Car, Nudge, Nudge
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2 Mins Read
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