Fart Glossary – ART FART= it’s such a beauty you want to immortalize it on canvas. ARROGANT FART= When you think your farts don’t stink. ASSUALT FART= A sudden attack that shoots virtual flames out your arse. TIRE FART= You can’t control the blow out. BEER FARTS= These come out of every ‘can’ and smell like warm beer. JAIL FART= Been doing time inside you for quite awhile, and finally makes its great escape. DONKEY FART= Your ass is the only one that can do it. GHOST FART= You can’t hear it, you can’t see it, and you can’t smell it. HOME ALONE FART= When you’re home alone and a great one is wasted on no one. SHOE FART= When you bend over to tie your shoe laces and one escapes. TANK FART= When you refer to your farts as ‘gas’. OLD FART= You know how old it is by how bad it smells. BRAIN FART= You need to fart, but nothing comes out. ALZHEIMER FART= A confused fart that heads the wrong way, and becomes a burp. NOT-ME FART= When you drop a bomb in a crowded elevator, turn around to the person behind you and give a disgusted look and whisper "PIG!" U.F.O. FART= When someone farts in crowded room, label it as a "Unidentified Foul Odor".
Friday, March 14
Fart Glossary
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