Yo’ Mama

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Constipated Accountant – Did you hear about the constipated accountant? He couldn’t budget so he…

Laughing Young Man over Lake

Farting His Guts Out – After nine years of marriage, a butcher’s wife is tired…

Chillin’ Biddies – One day three old ladies were sitting on a park bench and…


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Gotcha! – Three nuns were taking a walk one day. ”I was cleaning the Father’s…

Baldy Pants – Why did the bald man cut holes in his pockets? So he…

Handbags – The Englishman’s, Irishman’s and Scotsman’s wives go shopping one day to a big…

Buffalo Billy Limerick – Buffalo Billy had a 10-foot willy,He showed it to the girl…

Robins in My Yard – I was walking home when I noticed a couple of…