Yo’ Mama
Yo’ Mama Is So Ugly… Smiles – Yo’ Mama is…
Picture perfect – A husband said to his wife, "I…
Yo’ Mama Is So Ghetto… Rims – Yo’ Mama is so ghetto, her rims cost…
Yo’ Mama Is Like… Bus – Yo’ Mama is like a bus: she’s big, she…
Yo’ Mama Is So Ugly… Tide – Yo’ Mama is so ugly, the tide wouldn’t…
Yo mama’s so fat… airplane – Your mama’s so fat she went on an airplane…
Yo’ Mama Is So Short… Look Up – Yo’ Mama is so short, she has…
Yo’ Mama Is So Stupid… Umbilical Cord – Yo’ Mama is so stupid, when you…
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Building Big Religious Families – A Catholic, a Baptist and a Mormon are bragging about…
Yo’ Mama Is So Skinny… Chapstick – Yo’ Mama is so skinny, she uses Chapstick…
Le Stinkers – Why do the French Smell? So blind people can hate them too!
Roses are red – Roses are red Violets are blue I’m schizophrenic And so am…
Moms and Their Snooping – Three women are discussing their teenage daughters. The first declares:…
Yo’ Mama… Red Lobster – Yo’ Mama has more crabs than Red Lobster.
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