Wife: hey, if ever something ever happened to me and death did us part, do you think you would get married again? Husband: honestly…
Blonde – Transplant – How do you give a blonde…
The Blonde and Her Melons – This blonde was walking…
Mother-in-Law – A man’s house is on fire. He runs out of the house with…
That’s Good, That’s Bad – "Did ya hear I got married?" "Oh, that’s good." "No,…
Lottery – A wife comes in and yells, ”Honey, pack your clothes! I just won…
Sensitive About the Eye – Two friends go out to a club. One friend with…
The Amputee Blonde in the Tree – How do you get a one-armed blonde out…
Blonde Bird – What do you call a blonde bird? A swallow!
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Pee Up A Rope – Two men were out fishing, when they found a lamp…
The Amazing Health Computer – One day, Jeffrey complained to his friend, "My elbow really…
Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Farts – Yo’ Mama is so fat, when she farts,…
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Piss Paul Pete – There once was a girl named Suzy Brown Said no one…
Falling Sign – One day, a man walks into a whorehouse and says, ”Give me…
Culture Shock – Two cups of yogurt walk into a bar. The bartender says, "We…
Cheatin’ Johnny – In class one day, Mr. Johnson pulled Johnny over to his desk…
Two Men and A Refrigerator – Two men named Cecil and Scott live together. One…
Yo mama’s So Old…Act Your Age – Yo’ mama so old, I told her to…
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