
A Man Wearing a Black Jacket

Video Blonde – Did you hear about the blonde and the weight loss video? She…

A Woman Sitting on the Bed

Blonde’s Shoes – Q: Why do blondes have “TGIF” on their shoes? A: “Toes go…

Woman in Blue Blanket Smiling

Blonde Overdue – A blonde goes into a library and says, "Hello. I’m here to…

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How About Some? – An old man and his wife sit in bed watching TV.…

Microwave and Prison – What’s the difference between prison and a microwave? A microwave doesn’t…

The Holy Water – One day four nuns are called to the priests chambers. The…

Feather in His Cap – Barbara Walters was doing a documentary on the customs of…

Memory Fails – A 65-year-old woman gave birth to a baby boy. When she was…