That is Gross

woman in black shirt wearing red beaded necklace

The Whore – There was a man who just got out of the army. He…

man in red crew neck t-shirt

Overbite – Q: How can you tell if you have an overbite?A: When you’re eating…

Women Laughing Together on the Beach

Magic Fingers – While watching TV with his wife, a man tosses peanuts into the…

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Laughing Children in Garden

A Crappy Trait – Q: Why is diarrhea hereditary?A: Because it runs in your genes.

Dragging Their Feet – Two men both drag their right foot as they walk.As they…


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Geometry Humor – Q: What was the geometry student looking for at the beach?A: A…

Got Milk? – A guy had a date with this really hot blonde. He wanted…

Sky Diving – Q: Why do blondes wear tampons when they skydive? A: So they…

Blonde Bird – What do you call a blonde bird? A swallow!