That is Gross

Parsley – How is parsley like pubic hair? You push it aside to eat, and…

A Man Laughing

Three Gay Men – Three gay men died, and were cremated. Their lovers happened to…

Woman Wearing White Swimsuit Lying Down on Back in Swimming Pool

Corpsalicious! – One day a medical professor and his class were standing over a corpse…

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People Laughing Together

Laxative Cough Therapy – An old man goes to the pharmacy for cough syrup. The…

Man in Red Crew Neck Shirt Wearing Black Framed Sunglasses

Captain’s Brave Shirt – The first mate asks the ship captain why he always wears…


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Where Is God? – A couple had two mischievous little boys, ages eight and 10.…

Computer Chat – What did one computer say to the other? 010101101010101010101