That is Gross
Fishin’ or Buggery? – There was this man who had a dog. Every Sunday morning at 4:30 AM the man and the dog would…
Elephant Encounter – Q: What should you do if you…
Statues Come to Life – Two statues, male and female,…
Avon Calling – An Avon Lady was delivering products in a high-rise and was riding…
Party! – Question: If you went to a party and woke up with a condom…
Wacked-Out Restaurant – A waitress walks up to one of her tables in a New…
Yo’ Mama Is So Nasty… Bath – Yo’ Mama is so nasty, simply bathing is…
Viaxative – Did you hear about the man who took Viagra and a laxative at…
Careful What You Wish For – A couple was golfing one day on a very,…
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Gynecologist Bad! – A woman goes to the gynecologist for the first time and is…
Fly Off The Toilet – Why did the fly fall off the toilet? It got…
Guess My Age – A woman decided to have a face lift for her birthday.…
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The Vet Bill – A man rushes his limp dog to the veterinarian. The doctor…
Blondes and Pierced Ears – Q: How do blondes pierce their ears?A: They put tacks…
Fatty McVirgin – What’s the difference between a fat woman and a virgin? A fat…
Jock Booty Call… Bat – Hey babe, I got a Louisville slugger… in my pants!…
Clown Booty Call… Car – Would you and 50 of your hot friends like to…
Woman Without an A**hole – Q: What do you call a woman with no a**hole?A:…
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