Something Funny

a woman sitting at a table with a cell phone

Fat Woman – Once there was a man named BB. He had a very fat…

Laughing Man and Woman Working in a Call Center

Jungle Gaiety – What do you call a sex-crazed gay cannibal? A head hunter!

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woman in black shirt wearing red beaded necklace

Women Pass Less Gas – Q: Why do women pass less gas than men?A: Because…

Laughing Children in Garden

What is red and green? – What is red and green and goes 100 miles…

model, smile, woman

Trucker Runs – A hitchhiker walks down the road. Unfortunately, he has the runs and…


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Adam ‘n’ Eve – Q: Who made the first soft drink? A: Adam — he…

The Bottom Line – A cowboy rides his horse up to a saloon. All the…

Japanese Pizza – An American businessman goes to Japan on a business trip. He hates…