Police Business – Military Jokes
Yesterday I had a flat tire on the highway, so I eased my car over to the shoulder of the road, got out, opened…
A man was speeding down a Alabama highway, feeling secure…
George W. Bush Saved From Drowning – Q: How do…
Blonde Bank Robber – Q: How do you tell if a bank robber is blonde?…
Walks Into a Bar… Leprechaun Pee – A leprechaun walks into a bar. After several…
A Lesson in Government – A teacher was teaching her second grade class about the…
Small Town Justice – A police officer in a small town stopped a motorist who…
Lewinsky/Kaczynski Limericks – There once was a gal named Lewinsky,Who played music like a Stravinsky.’Twas…
The Crabby Cabbie – A successful businessman flew to Vegas for the weekend to gamble.…
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Blondes and cow patties – What do blondes and cow patties have in common? The…
Nailing Osama – What’s funner then nailing bin Laden to a tree? Feeding his lifeless…
Gay Man & Refrigerator – What’s the difference between a gay man and a refrigerator?…
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Blonde’s Shoes – Q: Why do blondes have “TGIF” on their shoes? A: “Toes go…
Rump Roastin’ – Q: What did the butcher say when he backed into the meat-grinder?…
Born Loser Defined – Q: What’s the definition of a born loser?A: A stowaway on…
Bullfight Buffet – A man goes to Spain and attends a bullfight. Afterwards he goes…
Room 88 – A virgin boy turns 18, and asks his dad for money to…
Computers: She or He? – Why computers seem female:– No one but the Creator understands…
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