Partying Bad Behavior
“Three wishes,” the genie says.”First wish,” the stoner grins, “let’s smoke a joint.” They do.Then, “Second wish, let’s smoke another.” They do.For the third…
Walks Into a Bar… Got Grapes? – A duck walks…
Pig in a Bar – A lady goes into a…
Blonde Mating Call – Q: What is the mating call of a blonde? A: "I’m…
Stoopit Pickup Lines – 1. Your name must be Daisy, because I have the incredible…
Exotic Male Dancer Cash – Three ladies go to an exotic male strip club.One friend…
Weekend Getaway – Willy, a mental patient, mimes driving a car as he runs through…
Viagra for Gramps – An 80-year-old man tells his wife, "I’m going to the doctor…
Irish Wakings – What’s the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish wake? One…
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Inventor’s Delight – A man had an idea that could make him rich. After it…
Eating the Oldies – A: What does 70-year-old p***y taste like? A: Depends.
Yo’ Mama… Red Lobster – Yo’ Mama has more crabs than Red Lobster.
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80s Booty Call… Pity – I pity the fool who doesn’t come home with me…
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Blonde – Transplant – How do you give a blonde a brain transplant? Blow in…
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The Muffler – A blonde got a dent in her car and took it in…
Yo’ Mama Is So Skanky… Jumpstart – Yo’ Mama is so skanky, her dildo came…
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