Partying Bad Behavior
“Three wishes,” the genie says.”First wish,” the stoner grins, “let’s smoke a joint.” They do.Then, “Second wish, let’s smoke another.” They do.For the third…
Walks Into a Bar… South American Toad – A young…
Faster Than a Tiger – Two guys were hiking through…
Limey Penguin – A penguin walks into a bar and asks for a sandwich and…
If Men Ruled the World… Work – – Each year, your raise would be pegged…
Walks Into a Bar… Pork Pie – A man walks into a bar with a…
Covering the Tip – What did one condom say to the other condom as they…
Walks Into a Bar… Got Grapes? – A duck walks into a bar and asks,…
Pig in a Bar – A lady goes into a bar with her goose. Then…
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Depressed Proctologist – Q: Did you hear about the depressed proctologist?A: He’s been feeling down…
Tough Ass – What is tougher than a pitbull with AIDS? The guy who gave…
Walking in a Doggie Wonderland – To the tune of "Walking in a Winter Wonderland":Dog…
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Ducks and Elephants – Why do ducks have webbed feet? To put out fires. Why…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Skinny… Fruit Loop – Yo’ Mama is so skinny, she can…
Two brunettes and a blonde… – Two brunettes and a blonde are attempting to fix…
Medieval Booty Call… Known – I’m known for my thrusting.
See Anything You Like? – Two couples are playing cards. John accidentally drops some cards…
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