Partying Bad Behavior
“Three wishes,” the genie says.”First wish,” the stoner grins, “let’s smoke a joint.” They do.Then, “Second wish, let’s smoke another.” They do.For the third…
Walks Into a Bar… The Hamster Show – A guy…
Walks Into a Bar… Horsing Around – A farmer walks…
Biker Bar Interview – A little old lady wanted to join a biker club. She…
Magic Puddle – One day, a policeman walked by and saw a drunk man sitting…
How Tall Is It? – A man was walking down the street and on the…
Dog Talk – The Taco Bell Chihuahua, a Doberman and a Bulldog are in a…
Walking Man, Into Bar He Goes – A guy walks into a bar and says,…
Dallas Cowboys on a Dirt Field – Q: Why do the Dallas Cowboys now play…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Nasty… Tuna Surprise – Yo’ Mama is so nasty, I asked…
There was a little boy and a little girl … – A little boy and…
Two Spoons – At a restaurant, one of the customers notices that all of the…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Playing Pool – Yo’ Mama is so fat, she uses…
Zombie Booty Call… Drool – I don’t mean to drool. But you’re totally hot. Plus,…
Little Johnny’s Big Answer – It is near the end of the school year. The…
The Chinese Workman – A building contracter hires an Englishman, an Irishman, and a Chinaman.…
Lesbian vs. Ritz – What is the difference between a lesbian and a Ritz? A…
Bill Clinton’s DNA – Dear Mr. Starr:The test on the dress came back inconclusive. Everyone…
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