Partying Bad Behavior
“Three wishes,” the genie says.”First wish,” the stoner grins, “let’s smoke a joint.” They do.Then, “Second wish, let’s smoke another.” They do.For the third…
Huge Pause – A bear walks into a bar and…
Three-Legged Dog – A three-legged dog walks into a bar…
Walks Into a Bar… Not Ready to Go Home – A guy walks into a…
Take what you want – One day Ed, known for always being broke and shabby,…
Tiff With Riley – ”My God! What happened to you?” the bartender asked Kelly as…
Irish DUI – Late one Friday in Dublin, a policeman spotted a man driving very…
Trouble – A man walks into a bar. Bartender asks what’ll have. Man replies "A…
Rogaine and Viagra – Q: What do you get when you mix Rogaine and Viagra?A:…
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Dead Frog – A young boy walks into a whore house dragging a dead frog.…
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