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Putin dies and goes to hell. He’s zapped in and finds himself standing with a group of people drinking coffee and up to their…
Chicken Crossfire – Why did the chicken cross the road?…
Cheap Cat – One day, a man walks into a…
Going to Heaven? – Father Murphy goes into a local bar in Dublin and approaches…
Helisoft – A helicopter was flying around above Seattle when an electrical malfunction disabled all…
Scott LaRose: Angry T. Rexes – The T. Rexes were all angry. You know why?…
What a Scotsman Wears Under His Kilt – A kilted Scotsman was walking down a…
White House Synonyms – George W. Bush is the President Dick Cheney is Vice President…
Clinton’s Boxers – Q: Why does Bill Clinton wear boxers?A: To keep his ankles warm.
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Cookie’s Revenge – A woman finds out that her husband is cheating on her, so…
Hole in the Wall – A man took a poop in a gas station and…
Holy Water + Castor Oil – Q: What do you get when you mix holy…
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Engineers and The Human Body – Three engineering students gather to discuss the possible designers…
First impressions are everything – Q: What did the prositutes knee say to the other?…
747 – What’s the difference between a blonde and a 747? Not everyone’s been in…
Yo’ Mama Is Like… Postage Stamp – Yo’ Mama is like a postage stamp: you…
Hanging with Blondes – There were nine blondes and a brunette hanging of a rope…
Geek Booty Call… Calculus – I need some help with my calculus. Can you integrate…
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