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Putin dies and goes to hell. He’s zapped in and finds himself standing with a group of people drinking coffee and up to their…
The Squirrels – One day little Bill was playing in…
The Aging Explorer – A young reporter went to a…
The Govinator – Jean Claude Van Dam, Steven Segal, and Arnold Schwarzenagger all decide to…
Inventions by Idiots – 1) Inflatable dart board. 2) Glow-in-the-dark sunglasses. 3) A book on…
Dubya, Cheney & Jumbo – George Bush and his accomplice Dick Cheney were riding on…
Don’t Welsh On Me – Why do the Welsh shag sheep on cliff edges? So…
Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? – Q: Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? A: Because the…
Heaven vs. Hell – One night, God visits a preacher.The preacher has one question, "What…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Poor… Hot Meal – Yo’ Mama is so poor, the last…
Two brunettes and a blonde… – Two brunettes and a blonde are attempting to fix…
Canni Ball! – Hey, did you hear about the cannibal who arrived late to the…
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Flighty Blonde – Q: What did the blonde say when the airplane began to shake?A:…
Zebra Definition – What is a Zebra? A Z-bra is 25 sizes bigger than an…
Anti-Bush/Cheney Campaign Slogan – Bush and Dick: Put ’em together and you’re screwed.
Husband Detector – What do you call a women who knows where her husband is…
Ethnic Pick-Up – A man sits next to a very attractive woman on an airplane.…
You’ll Be So Fat…Driver’s License – You’ll be so fat after Thanksgiving your driver’s license…
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