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Putin dies and goes to hell. He’s zapped in and finds himself standing with a group of people drinking coffee and up to their…
I feel like chicken tonight – Why did George Bush…
Two Of These Things Belong Together – What’s the odd…
Lincoln Booty Call… Score – Come on, I haven’t four-scored in seven years!
The Govinator – Jean Claude Van Dam, Steven Segal, and Arnold Schwarzenagger all decide to…
Inventions by Idiots – 1) Inflatable dart board. 2) Glow-in-the-dark sunglasses. 3) A book on…
Dubya, Cheney & Jumbo – George Bush and his accomplice Dick Cheney were riding on…
Don’t Welsh On Me – Why do the Welsh shag sheep on cliff edges? So…
Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? – Q: Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? A: Because the…
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A Hooker and a Bungee Jump – What do a bungee jump and a Hooker…
Three Flies in a Bathroom – Three flies in a trashcan get trapped overnight in…
News for Adam and Eve – One day God came to Adam to pass on…
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Booger Wooger – What’s the difference between boogers and broccoli? Kids don’t eat broccoli!
Limerick… Ol’ Man from Nantucket – There was an old man from Nantucket Who had…
Goverment Wrestling Federation – 13> Driving your fellow Congressman into the turnbuckle now considered…
Classic Booty Call… Thief – Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your…
Corporate Booty Call… Benefits – Want to take a look at my benefit package?
Tampon Shopping – A man walks into a pharmacy and tells the salesgirl that he’s…
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