Nationality Jokes

a couple of young girls standing next to a tent

Giovanni the… – It is Rennaissance Italy and Lothario and his friend Giovanni sit at a table outside a cafe in Venice. Lothario enjoys…

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Happy Woman

Taliban Snippet – How come the Taliban are not circumcised? It gives them a place…

Beautiful Woman in Plaid Jacket

Rastavirgins – What do reggae bands and virgins have in common? They both have hymen!

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Man and Woman Laughing

Skunked – A fellow always wanted to own a pet skunk, so in the dead…

Photo of a Woman in a Red Hoodie Laughing

That’s tacky – A pollock walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist if he…

woman covering her mouth

Definition of Agony – Agony: a one-armed man hanging off a cliff with itchy balls.


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Rosebud – There was a young woman who lived with her grandmother. One night, the…

Booty Call… Math – How about we add a bed, subtract our clothes, divide your…

Egyptian Pick-Up Line – What did the Egyptian man say to the Egyptian woman? "Come…