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    Shaving Lumberjacks – Q: Why should lumberjacks shave their legs?A: So you can tell them…

    Age 54 Snap – A college math professor and his wife are both 60 years…

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    Captain Hook’s Death – How did Captain Hook die? He wiped his bum with the…

    Close-up Photography of a Blond Woman

    3 Men, 3 Wishes – Three men were trekking through the desert and came across…

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    Rabbi and Duck – A duck walks into a bar with a rabbi on his…

    Sleepwalking Nun – What do you call a sleepwalking nun? A Roamin’ Catholic.

    Men’s Brains – Q: Why don’t women have men’s brains? A: They don’t have a…

    Nailing Osama – What’s funner then nailing bin Laden to a tree? Feeding his lifeless…

    Gorilla Control – A man calls Animal Control to get a crazed gorilla off his…