Lookin Good

old woman, laugh, portrait

Frog Talk – A grandson runs up to his grandfather and asks him if he…

Three Models in Gym Clothes Laughing

Drop In – One day, an 80-year-old man comes home and finds his 80-year-old wife…

Editors Picks
Latest Posts
face, smiling, laughing

Eating Out – A guy is going down on a prostitute. During the process he…

Fart Glossary – ART FART= it’s such a beauty you want to immortalize it on…

A Man Laughing

Ex-Lax, Don’t Do It – Why are men like laxatives? Because they irritate the crap…


More Jokes

Two Hobbies for Men – Q: What are a man’s two hobbies?A:His left hand and…

Scary Stages of College – You know you’re in trouble when… 1. The McDonald’s people…

Osama = Crabs? – What do Osama bin Laden and crabs have in common? They…

White House Synonyms – George W. Bush is the President Dick Cheney is Vice President…

Huntin’ in Alaska – This guy hears that there’s good bear hunting up in Alaska.…

Husbands’ Performance – Three women talk about their husband’s performance as lovers.The first woman says,…