Jokes about Kids
One night a little girl walks in on her parents having sex. The mother is going up and down on the father when she…
Little Johnny’s Stork – Little Johnny asks, "Mommy, where do…
Rectum – Johnny’s teacher asked the class how their weekends…
Dirty Tigger! – Why is Tigger always so dirty? Because he plays with Pooh!
Late AGAIN – A kid was late for school one day. "I had to take…
Set Me On Fire – What do you call a doll on fire? A Barbie-Q!
First Cut is the Deepest – Once upon a time, two little boys, Sammy and…
You-Wanna-Do-What-To-Me-Elmo? – What does Michael Jackson call a Tickle-Me-Elmo doll? Bait!
Good, Bad, Worse – Good: Your children are sexually active. Bad: With each other Worse:…
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Green and Yellow – What’s green and yellow and eats nuts? Gonorrhea.
Bank Robbers – Three robbers break into a bank, but when they open the safe,…
Shaking Things Up – An old woman walks into a sex shop, shaking. "Sir," she…
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Cutest Baby Chicks Ever – Why do baby chicks say "cheap, cheap, cheap?" Because they…
Celebrex, Celebrex – Q: How do the makers of Celebrex celebrate? A: F**k if I…
Those Shady Frenchies – Why are there so many trees along the streets of Paris?…
Female Hormones in Beer – Two men drink in a bar.One man says, "Did you…
After 69 – Q: What comes after 69?A: Mouthwash.
St. Patrick Taunts – Three Englishmen drink in a bar and spot an Irishman in…
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