Jokes about Kids

Grayscale Photo of Woman Laughing

Thumb Sucking – A mom, dad and their two sons watch TV. The dad gives…

A Joyous Woman

Is Satan Real? – Two boys walk home from Sunday school after hearing a powerful…

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That’s Not Your Rug – One day in the city a bus driver was making…

Grayscale Photo of Woman Laughing

Seek and Ye Shall Find… – On a senior citizens bus tour, while the passengers…

Man Holding Eyeglasses While Laughing

Loony Bin – A man goes into a psychiatric hospital to visit one of his…


More Jokes

Dog Balls – Q. What do you call a dog that has balls of steel…

The Doctor’s Convention – There’s a bunch of doctors gathered together at a doctor’s convention…

S&M for Married Couples – Sue and Sally were discussing their sex lives.Sue said, "Mine’s…

Designated drunkard – Rednecks don’t let friends drive home drunk, they get drunk and ride…