Jokes about Kids
One night a little girl walks in on her parents having sex. The mother is going up and down on the father when she…
First Day of School – Q: What did the dad…
Dumb and Dumber – A father, mother, and son were…
Little Johnny… Fascinate – A teacher asks her students to give her a sentence with…
Cartwheeling for Cash – One day a little girl came running into her house yelling,…
That’s Cheesy – Q: Why did the mouse go to the party? A: He heard…
A snail owned a car… – A snail owned a car and was painting a…
Where’s Ice Cube, Eve, and Cedric? – Q: Where did the sheep get its haircut?…
Beverly Hills – One day there were four people absent from class. The next day…
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Dog Abilities – Q: Why do dogs lick their balls?A: Because they can.Q: So why…
Beatles – What would it take to reunite the Beatles? Two more bullets.
Witches’ Broomsticks – Q: Why don’t witches wear undies?A: To get a better grip on…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Ugly… Record – Yo’ Mama is so ugly, if ugliness was…
Pope + Hooker = Mirth – Did you hear the one about the Pope and…
The Three Ugly Ducklings – One day in a small redneck town in the middle…
Jock Booty Call… Bat – Hey babe, I got a Louisville slugger… in my pants!…
Bar: A Weasel Ate My Genitals – A guy sees a sign outside a bar…
A Lawyer and A Politician – What do you get when you cross a corrupt…
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