Jokes about Kids
One night a little girl walks in on her parents having sex. The mother is going up and down on the father when she…
How do you Catch a Squirrel? – Q: How do…
Technology-Enabled Amoebas – How do amoebas keep in touch? With…
Happy Butt – A teacher asks the new student her name. The girl replies, "Happy…
Kangaroo Sleepovers – A kangaroo mom with seven babies in her pouch told another kangaroo…
Wedding Dress – A little girl at a wedding asked, "Mommy, why do brides always…
Clean Joke, Dirty Joke – You wanna hear a dirty joke? A boy fell in…
Code for Love – There was a couple who did not want their children to…
Dangerous Toys – Q: What is red and orange and knocks you over?A: Tackle me…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Chicken Pox – Yo’ Mama is so fat, she tried…
Mayo and Semen – What is the difference between mayonnaise and semen? Mayonnaise doesn’t shoot…
Yo’ Mama Is So Nasty… Velcro – Yo’ Mama is so nasty, it sounds like…
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Genie-wine – While he was rooting around in the basement, a man found a magic…
Lightbulb… Arkansas – How many Arkansas policemen does it take to screw in a light…
Blondes and Turtles – What do turtles and blondes have in common? If they’re on…
Daddy’s Face – “Mama, why is daddy’s face pale?” “Shut up and keep digging.”
A.J. Jamal: Good Place to Eat – You ever accidentally go up to a real…
City Girls and Country Boys – A city girl was driving back to town after…
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