Jokes about Kids
One night a little girl walks in on her parents having sex. The mother is going up and down on the father when she…
God’s Dead Dog – Mom and Dad were trying to…
Teacher’s Pet – On the last day of kindergarten, all…
Signs You’re No Longer in College… – — You no longer know what time fast…
Cooky Cookie Joke – Q: Why did the cookie go to the doctors office? A:…
A wrinkle in time – A little girl got on her grandpa’s lap and said,…
Little Johnny’s Subsitute Teacher – Little Johnny was walking down the hallway at school. When…
Pregnant Teacher – One day four boys were playing soccer in the schoolyard. They kicked…
Circus Elephant – A couple took their young son for his first visit to the…
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Comeback – I’d have a comeback for that, but all my come’s backed up in…
Hole in the Wall – A man took a poop in a gas station and…
Jack and Jill II – Jack and Jill Went up the hill To smoke some…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Stupid… Booty Confusion – Yo’ Mama is so dumb, she stuck…
Yo’ Mama Is So Ugly… Zoo – Yo’ Mama is so ugly, when I took…
Golf Balls – A man asks an attractive woman on the golf course if she’d…
Thermometers – Q: What’s the difference between a rectal and oral thermometer? A: The taste.
Yo’ Mama Is So Old… Dreams – Yo’ Mama is so old, she dreams in…
Dinner on the Road – There were these two bums and they were hungry when…
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