When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…
Yo’ Mama’s Teeth… Lantern – Yo’ Mama’s teeth are so yellow, when she closes her…
Lawyer Experiments – Q: Why have scientists started using lawyers for experiments instead of rats?A:…
Yo’ Mama Is So Skanky… Happy Dog – How much do I owe Yo’ Mama?…
Yo’ Mama’s Teeth… Comb Her Mustache – Yo’ Mama’s teeth are so busted, she can…
Yo’ Mama Is So Old… Jurassic Park – Yo’ Mama is so old, I took…
Yo’ Mama Is So Stanky… Oxygen – Yo’ Mama is so stanky, when you were…
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Amish Leg Warmers – There’s this Amish girl and she tells her mom that her…
Yo’ Mama Is So Poor… Tin Can – Yo’ Mama is so poor, her bathroom…
Medical Samples – An old man and his wife went to the doctor’s office. The…
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Men are Simple – Why did God invent a man first? She wanted to start…
Coma Arousal – A man rushes out of his wife’s hospital room. "Doctor, doctor –…
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Monica’s Diary – Monica’s Diary Entry 1 Dear Diary, I’m so excited! Just got a…
The Midget Scopes the Blonde – A midget is riding a bus when a blonde…
Ya Wanna Find Jesus? – A drunk man stumbled into a church where there were…
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