When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…
Yo’ Mama Is Like… Elevator – Yo’ Mama is like an elevator, you push the…
Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Barbeque Sauce – Yo’ Mama is so fat, she sweats…
Yo mama’s So Stupid…Antiques – Yo’ mama so stupid, she walked into an antique shop…
And You’re Not Even Drunk – Q: What did the pollock say when he ran…
Yo’ Mama Is So Stupid… Smashed TV – Yo’ Mama is so stupid, she smashed…
Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Low Rider – Yo’ Mama is so fat, every car…
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Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… National Weather Agency – Yo’ Mama is so fat, the…
Ass-icons – regular ass(_!_)fat ass(__!__)tight ass(!)flat ass(_._)bubble ass(_^_)sore ass(_*_)lop-sided ass(_!__)swishy ass{_!_}surprised ass(_o_)ass that’s been around(_O_)kiss…
Hiney Bubbles – What’s gross? Farting in the bathtub. What’s grosser than that? Catching the…
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Hooligan Hijinx – A big hulking hooligan walks into a bar, slams his fist down,…
Sheep Soup – There was a man with a restaurant near a construction site. The…
Mopeds and Fat Ladies – What do mopeds and fat ladies have in common? They’re…
Yo’ Mama Is So Fat… Flesh-Eating Disease – Yo’ Mama is so fat, when she…
Sleeping Squirrel – Why did the squirrel sleep on his stomach? To keep his nuts…
Yo’ Mama Is So Poor… Heat – Yo’ Mama is so poor, when I put…
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