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    Happy woman

    When married there are 3 types of sex: at first it’s “all room” sex. Then after kids, it’s “bedroom” sex. The final stage is…

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    A Happy Couple Sitting Close Together on the Floor

    After many years of marriage, I think my wife still…

    a man sitting on a couch with his mouth open

    A guy in his 80s walks into a bank… …walks…

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    A Woman with Lipstick on her Face

    Why Men Snore – Q: Why do men snore when they lie on their backs?A:…

    Happy Woman

    Always Bring the Fingers – A man working with an electric saw accidentally saws off…

    A Man Laughing

    Ex-Lax, Don’t Do It – Why are men like laxatives? Because they irritate the crap…


    More Jokes

    I’m Bored – Ken and Bruce were very bored and very gay. Suddenly Bruce got…

    Beverly Hills – One day there were four people absent from class. The next day…

    My Nobe Is Bunning – What do you call a whore with a runny nose?…

    Old Age – Two old men in a retirement village were sitting in the reading…

    The Praying Parrot – A middle aged woman lived alone except for her pet, a…